Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by maniera.


UbaTuber said...

Hila, these images are gorgeous! I don't know what its going to be, but I like it already :)

Shelley Noble said...

YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! um, I'm a leeeettlexcited over this.

Hila! Blogging?!! yay.

What does Maniera mean?

UbaTuber said...

Ok, checked your site...its an experimental project called 'Agora'.....agoraphobia...
Its perfect :)
I'll absolutely be watching for more...

Shelley Noble said...

Yeah, and I Googled Maniera, it's style, right? Coooool. Hila's Style.

What did you use on the socks to make the teensy red stripes?!

Ulysses said...

Beautiful, Hila. I love the softness and warmth that emanates from these images. Looking forward to your posts.

Harlequin said...

Hila your work is brilliant!
I truly believe in you and will be watching you closely, very closely!

Hila said...

Thank you all for the warm welcome to Blogland.

Ingredients of Agoras Socks:
Two Loooong 5mm knitted ribbons (pink and blue) stitched together with a coral red embroidery thread, carefully separating the ribbon ribs with every stitch.
It took me about 3 hours, I remember it cos I saw 3 episodes of the wonderful Carnivale while doing it.

I think I'll make my first big post tomorrow... so... come again soon :D

Darkmatters said...

Excellent! Welcome to the blogosphere Hila!

Hah... I can look at just about anything I've made and remember what was on while I was making it!

Hila said...

Hi Mike, Thanks and I've just been to your blog, hee.

Do you have the TV on while you work as well?
For me it's a must, I call it my "Visual Noise".
I strive for a quality "visual noise" while I work, but when the project consumes me and I "forget" to maintain a dvd switcherow routine... I get lots and lots of junk "visual noise", hopefully it doesn't effect my work.